You Search or Shop...They Give

What if LuciaGirl Pediatric Oncology Foundation - LGPOF earned a donation every time you searched the Internet? Or how about if a percentage of every purchase you made online went to support our cause?

Well, now it can!

A Yahoo-powered search engine that donates half its advertising revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. Use it just as you would any search engine, get quality search results from Yahoo, and watch the donations add up!

An online shopping mall which donates up to 30 percent of each purchase to your favorite cause! Hundreds of great stores including Amazon, Target, Gap, Best Buy, ebay, Macy's and Barnes & Noble have teamed up with GoodShop and every time you place an order, you'll be supporting your favorite cause. 


Please tell your friends about the GoodShop app today. They've been featured in the NY Times, the Wall Street Journal, CNN, Oprah Magazine, Good Morning America and more.

The easiest way to do this is to download the GoodShop App now and designate LuciaGirl Pediatric Oncology Foundation as your cause.  That's it.  Remember to shop your favorite stores through the app to get great discounts and coupons, and they will donate a percentage to LGPOF. 

Can you do it now?  It's very simple, maybe only 2 steps. 

(Oy, I know it sounds like I'm nagging but this is one of those things that's easy to do but easy to put off doing, so can you take care of it now? Thank you so much.)

Lucia - Already Making a Difference

Lucia's already making changes. Thanks to a young friend, Rachel (the one in the grey/red sweatshirt), when Lucia needed a lot of blood transfusions she mobilized her peers and they really came through.

Rachel has now developed a Teen Blood Drive Program with Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital.        There’s even a 2-3 minute public service announcement/ short film about Lucia and the need for blood donations.  

Successful First Blood Drive at Memorial Sloan Kettering   

Thank you for participating and/or supporting the first school-wide blood drive at Memorial Sloan Kettering. Twenty members of the community gave either blood or platelets over the last two weeks – an impressive number of participants for the first drive. The effort was led by 8 seniors, 1 junior, 1 sophomore, 3 faculty and 7 parents. Next week there are an additional 7 donors, for a total of 27!

Special thanks go to Rachel Giacobbe ‘12 for her passion to make a difference and organizing this blood drive. She is planning another drive in the spring; we hope to double our number of donors in that effort. Throughout the drive, support was given by many, especially Mary Leber Hughes ’98, a nurse in the pediatric division of MSK and Joe Licata, the Director of the MSK blood bank.                            

It was an amazing effort by all!

For more information on donating blood or platelets, click on the following link:

blood drive.JPG

LGPOF Piggy Palooza Fundraiser

pigcasso invite.PNG

It was fun organizing it, it was fun seeing all the different creative piggies, it was fun seeing everyone at the event. Special thanks to Gymboree for hosting the event on December 13th which turned out to be very special since it is officially Saint Lucia Day! That, my friends, is a real holiday, especially big in Sweden.

It was really fun hauling all that change to the bank! Click here for photo gallery.

Dear Friends of Lucia,

I’m writing to you to extend my deepest gratitude for your continued support and dedication to Lucia and our family’s cause. I know you all have been very proactive in ensuring the success of the LuciaGirl Pediatric Oncology Foundation.

Please know that without your support, everything from dealing with the grief to creating an organization whose goal is the unwavering support for families and children that encounter catastrophic struggles would be immeasurably more difficult, if not impossible.

As soon as Lucia arrived in our lives she was our angel and our family treasure and to share her life with you is an honor.

Knowing that Lucia, in her short but full life, has encountered so many talented and genuine people gives me hope that her time here was not in vain and that true good will come from this.

With my deepest appreciation,

Marcus Renard (aka Dadda)

Children don't ask to get cancer.

They don't do anything to give themselves cancer.

They are forced to live in this toxic world that we created and then they and their family live the worst nightmare.

Pediatric cancer is the number one cause of non-accidental death in children!

Lucia got every chemo available. She got the same stuff you, me, my grandmother would have gotten (that's how old the stuff is)!  There is constant talk about 10 year studies to prove that treatments work, well where are the studies that prove the treatments we use now don't work?  All those tiny little gravestones, that's where.

We need your support today to STOP THE MADNESS!

Join us in making a difference politically and practically.

            The Many Faces of the                         Goofy Goober

            The Many Faces of the                         Goofy Goober


Every new supporter brings us one step closer to a cure or at least effective treatment that keep our children alive longer than a few months.

 12,000 children diagnosed with cancer every year (that number goes up, not down, every year).

Behind every beautiful child is a story…a story of a child with cancer and the living nightmare that each child and his/her entire family must face twenty four hours a day seven days a week. This is a constant reminder that cancer keeps happening; cancer does not take a vacation. It can strike any child at ANY time.

U.S. Senators Wayne Allard (R-Colo.) and Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY)


Support LGPOF

Together, things change.



Spreading Lucia's Light Cocktail Party

Miss Ariella, one of Lucia's ballet teachers at Ballet Academy East, the little dynamo go-getter that she is, pulled off an amazing feat.  In what felt like just two days flat, pulled together a fundraiser at NYC's Public House!

Was it successful, you ask?

Uhm... Evening in New York City with pretty girls, handsome hunks and an open bar...

Heck yeah it was successful! 


Thanks to everyone for supporting Lucia and Miss Ariella and showing up even when the weather

was so iffy and thank you to the staff at The Public House for the opportunity.

Public House Declarations:

"Everyone should believe in something - I believe I'll have another drink."  Anonymous

"What whiskey will not cure, there is no cure for."  Irish Proverb

"Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow they may cancel your visa."  Anonymous

LemonAid for Lucia Fundraiser


You know what they say...

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

Lucia's loving friends have decided to take matters into their own hands and squeeze the crap outta those lemons!

 When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.  So in the spirit of Lucia, her friends will have lemonade stands (selling lemonade, water, baked goods, etc.) situated around the Upper East Side, this Saturday, June 6th.

Imagine it...every few blocks, people will encounter "Lemonade for Lucia" and all the proceeds will benefit LGPOF!

The event was fantastic!

Premier Martial Arts Fundraiser


Would You Pay to Throw Cake at Your Teacher?

I think the answer is a resounding "YES!" even when your teacher is a black belt in Martial Arts and can kick your arse from here to where ever.

This year's annual Parents Night Out - Mr. Sevilla Birthday Bash was held as a fundraiser in honor of our Princess Warrior Lucia who earned her purple belt and an honorary black belt at Premier Martial Arts - Eastside.


Luciagirl after earning her first stripe. This is when she began saying "Lucia like a Puma!"It's a strange way to celebrate your birthday but hey, you're gonna argue with a bunch of black belts? All the kids got to throw cake at his face. It turns out that the same kids who are too tired to pick up their socks seem to have quite a bit of strength when throwing cake. So to take a little bit of the sting out, this years' cake had Jello in it. All the better, Lucia loves SLIME!

It was a smashing success. 

If your child has ever considered taking martial arts classes, I highly recommend it. At Premier, there is a sense of welcome, community and team spirit as well as discipline, strength and respect.

Thank you from deep in our souls for being part of our lives.