LUCIAGIRL PEDIATRIC ONCOLOGY FOUNDATION (LGPOF) honors an amazing little girl who bravely Battled malignant brain tumors.
- Research and family support funding for pediatric oncology,
- Scientific debates that lead to more effective drug and treatment options,
- Public awareness campaigns to push for healthcare, scientific and legislative reform that will lead to not just statistically significant, but actual and tangible improvements.
Let’s leave the baby steps to the babies.
Our Sweet Angel
After a long, courageous fight, LuciaGirl has gotten her wings and is at peace. Her faith never waivered.
"As soon as I am one of God's angels, I'll be completely healed."
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Your donations help support life saving research as well as family support so children never have to be alone during their treatments.
Lucia means light and she will be the light that guides us to a cure.
Out-of the-box thinkers - biologists, chemists, techies,geek enthusiasts and disruptors. You have an open invitation to join our Think Tank.
"The future depends on what you do today." Ghandi
Everyday, children are losing their future.
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