Lucia - Already Making a Difference

Lucia's already making changes. Thanks to a young friend, Rachel (the one in the grey/red sweatshirt), when Lucia needed a lot of blood transfusions she mobilized her peers and they really came through.

Rachel has now developed a Teen Blood Drive Program with Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital.        There’s even a 2-3 minute public service announcement/ short film about Lucia and the need for blood donations.  

Successful First Blood Drive at Memorial Sloan Kettering   

Thank you for participating and/or supporting the first school-wide blood drive at Memorial Sloan Kettering. Twenty members of the community gave either blood or platelets over the last two weeks – an impressive number of participants for the first drive. The effort was led by 8 seniors, 1 junior, 1 sophomore, 3 faculty and 7 parents. Next week there are an additional 7 donors, for a total of 27!

Special thanks go to Rachel Giacobbe ‘12 for her passion to make a difference and organizing this blood drive. She is planning another drive in the spring; we hope to double our number of donors in that effort. Throughout the drive, support was given by many, especially Mary Leber Hughes ’98, a nurse in the pediatric division of MSK and Joe Licata, the Director of the MSK blood bank.                            

It was an amazing effort by all!

For more information on donating blood or platelets, click on the following link:

blood drive.JPG