Premier Martial Arts Fundraiser


Would You Pay to Throw Cake at Your Teacher?

I think the answer is a resounding "YES!" even when your teacher is a black belt in Martial Arts and can kick your arse from here to where ever.

This year's annual Parents Night Out - Mr. Sevilla Birthday Bash was held as a fundraiser in honor of our Princess Warrior Lucia who earned her purple belt and an honorary black belt at Premier Martial Arts - Eastside.


Luciagirl after earning her first stripe. This is when she began saying "Lucia like a Puma!"It's a strange way to celebrate your birthday but hey, you're gonna argue with a bunch of black belts? All the kids got to throw cake at his face. It turns out that the same kids who are too tired to pick up their socks seem to have quite a bit of strength when throwing cake. So to take a little bit of the sting out, this years' cake had Jello in it. All the better, Lucia loves SLIME!

It was a smashing success. 

If your child has ever considered taking martial arts classes, I highly recommend it. At Premier, there is a sense of welcome, community and team spirit as well as discipline, strength and respect.

Thank you from deep in our souls for being part of our lives.