I want my sippy cup!!!!

Snow White Lucia
Her birthday is November 1st, so we got away with implying all the Halloween festivities were in her honor.

Kimono Princess Lucia
She said it looks like she has a slice of pizza sticking out of her head. Who would suspect that 4 months later, life would never be the same.

Pixie Fairy Lucia

Sleeping Beauty Lucia
We were able to bring her home from the hospital for a few days.

Pirate Princess Lucia
Too weak to walk, not to mention the double pump IV pole.

Hey Tooth Fairy, Check These Out!

Hmmm...Did someone say Lobster and Butter?
It's true. A four year old who eats Lobster, black olives.

Do I or do I not look cute in this outfit?
Click photo to enlarge.

Yah, no bun. Ah man...bun.
Click photo to enlarge.

Do you know how long I've wanted bangs?
Click photo to enlarge.

White Uniform = Bun Everytime. Oh well, I kinda like buns now.
Click photo to enlarge.

Lucia and PingPong
The day before brain surgery.
First Communion with Charlotte
Little did we know she would be in the hospital the next weekend. She was having headaches at this point and as you can see, her typical smirky smile is a bit pulled to the right.

Lucia and Lyra, The Belle Twins

Karate Chop Lucia
When you don't feel like exercising, remember that 2 weeks after brain surgery, Lucia took her test for her purple belt. Broke boards and everything.
Shout out to Premier Martial Arts on E.86th St!

Saint Lucia
What can I say...